8 Signs Your Business Needs a Network Assessment

A network assessment is an in-depth analysis of all network components. An IT consultant will examine every element of your technological environment to gain a detailed picture of your IT organization and determine the strengths and weaknesses of your network. With this information, the consultant can then create and present a plan to make more efficient and effective use of your resources, budget and technology.

A network assessment is a vital starting point for eliminating IT issues and aligning technology with your business goals. But how do you know if you need such a intensive analysis? The following are 8 common pain points that indicate a need for a network assessment.

Failing Devices

If you’ve experienced repeated device failures, a network assessment will diagnose the underlying issue before you invest in new equipment.

Staff Resources

Significant changes in staff creates significant changes in the IT landscape. If you feel your staff is overwhelmed by your technology, or vice versa, schedule a network assessment.

Network Speeds

A network assessment will locate the bandwidth bottlenecks that contribute to consistently slow network speeds.

Escalating Expenses

If you feel that your IT budget is out of control and that you are not spending effectively, you are probably right. A network assessment offers the necessary insight to budget thoughtfully and efficiently.

Server Confusion

If you are confused by the intricacies of your client/server network, an assessment will help streamline your network and clear up that confusion.

Environmental Blindness

Technology is constantly expanding and evolving. Are there aspects of your IT landscape that are outside of your knowledge? A network assessment can give you a full and clear picture.

Security Anxieties

A network assessment will identify potential vulnerabilities so that you can create a specialized, robust defense system and protect your data from breach.

Unclear Direction

You have a clear vision for the growth of your business, but you are unsure how IT fits into that vision. With a network assessment, you can create short-term and long-term plans for IT and align your technology with your business strategy.

Do any or all of these common pain points ring true for your business? Then you are in need of a network assessment. Likewise, if you are about to make major changes to your IT system or your business more broadly, complete a network assessment first. Finally, if you feel uncertain at all about any aspect of your technological landscape, a network assessment will provide you with the clarity and knowledge you need to make informed decisions moving forward. Contact AIS today to schedule your network assessment.

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