5 Efficient Tips For Using Microsoft Teams

team using Microsoft Teams

Online meetings have become a feature of working life in the last two years. Apart from business meetings they are used for webinars and collaboration across teams and organizations.  As Microsoft Teams and similar cloud-based tools become an integral part of the working day for many people, here are five tips for making the most […]

2021 Cybersecurity Review: Biggest Breaches of the Year

server room being hacked

The pandemic has driven more businesses online‚—and has created a hotbed of cybersecurity breaches. By October 2021, the number of breaches surpassed 2020’s entire count by 17 percent. Three of the biggest cybersecurity breaches of 2021 show how hackers compromised the identity of millions (or even billions)—and how businesses can defend against the rising probability […]

OneDrive vs SharePoint: What’s the Difference?

onedrive vs sharepoint

OneDrive and SharePoint are two separate Microsoft applications that can greatly benefit both large and small businesses. But understanding the differences of each, how their capabilities complement each other, and whether your business needs these tools can be daunting. Here, we’ll discuss the differences between OneDrive vs SharePoint and the features of each application, helping […]

Managing Team Collaboration With Microsoft Teams

team collaboration

If you’ve ever wondered if there was a way to create seamless communication across teams and employees, you’ll be pleased to know that Microsoft Teams makes businesses of all sizes more effective using real-time cloud-based communication.  With its 115 million users worldwide across 500,000 organizations, it might be time to learn why this software is […]

Reduce Risk With Vulnerability Management

There are hundreds of cybersecurity solutions on the market, but many are vague when it comes to explaining how exactly they are improving the security of your IT infrastructure.  Fortunately, there is a clear cybersecurity solution that could save your company from debilitating threats. Here’s why your company should invest in vulnerability management. What Cybersecurity […]

Can Employee Security Awareness Training Help With Compliance

Security awareness training for employees is critical for businesses striving to prevent employee error from contributing to cybersecurity threats. It’s also vitally important for many of the cybersecurity regulations your business may be required to comply with.  What Is Security Awareness Training? Security awareness training is strategic education intended to familiarize employees, especially professionals working […]

Is Data Truly Protected in the Cloud?

With data breaches and cyberattacks on the rise, many businesses are addressing cybersecurity issues and investing in new ways to secure their data. But what about the cloud?  Most modern companies have invested heavily in cloud computing and are moving more and more of their workloads there. But is data truly protected in the cloud, […]

How Has New Technology Affected the Modern Workplace?

how technology has changed the modern workplace

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, “Change is the only constant in life.” That’s certainly held true in the business world; technology has been evolving the workplace for decades, and there hasn’t been a bigger change in recent years than the push to remote work spurred by COVID-19. Major factors in driving business change are […]

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