Why Non-Profits Are at Cyber Risk and How to Combat It

As technology continues to advance, the risk of cyber attacks also increases. While most people may think that only large corporations and government agencies are at risk, non-profit organizations are just as vulnerable. In fact, according to the 2023 Nonprofit Tech for Good Report, 27% of non-profits have experienced a cyber attack in the last year.

In this blog, we will discuss the challenges that non-profits face when it comes to cyber attacks and tips on how they can combat them with improved non-profit cybersecurity.

Why Are Non-Profits Targeted?

Let’s dive into the digital underworld to look at why non-profits often find themselves in the crosshairs of cyber criminals.

  • Budget Constraints: Non-profits are real-life superheroes working tirelessly for a cause. But with great power comes…limited resources? Unfortunately, yes. Their budget constraints often mean that cybersecurity non-profit measures aren’t as robust as they should be (if present at all), making them easy pickings for cyber criminals.
  • Sensitive Information: Non-profits often handle a wealth of sensitive personal and financial information of their donors and beneficiaries. This treasure trove of data makes non-profits an appealing target for cyber criminals looking to make a quick buck.
  • Lack of Awareness: The world of cyber threats is complex, and it can seem overwhelming. Without training or support, many non-profits may not fully comprehend these threats or how to shield against them, leaving them vulnerable to digital predators.
  • Reliance on Digital Platforms: In today’s interconnected world, non-profits have increasingly taken their operations online to maximize their reach. While this opens doors to more people, it also opens windows (and backdoors) to more cyber threats.
  • Regulation Relaxation: Unlike their corporate counterparts, non-profits are often subject to less strict data protection regulations. This can make it easier for cyber criminals to exploit security gaps without facing severe consequences.

How to Stay Cyber-Safe

Non-profits are not immune to cyber attacks, and the consequences of a successful attack can be devastating, including disrupted operations, compromised data, and enormous financial loss. It’s essential to prioritize cybersecurity for non-profits, so let’s explore some ways they can protect themselves from cyber attacks.

1. Train Your Staff

Human error is one of the leading causes of cyber attacks. Educating your non-profit staff on cybersecurity best practices, such as identifying phishing emails and creating strong passwords, can significantly reduce the risk of a successful attack.

2. Secure Your Network

Protect your network by using firewalls and antivirus software, and regularly updating your systems. Additionally, choose strong passwords and consider implementing multi-factor authentication to further secure sensitive data and accounts.

3. Backup Your Data

In case of a cyber attack or data breach, having backups of important information can save non-profits from significant losses. Regularly backing up data and keeping it in a secure location is crucial for disaster recovery.

4. Partner with a Cybersecurity Provider

Non-profits may not have the resources or the expertise to keep up with ever-changing cyber threats. By partnering with a cybersecurity provider for non-profits, you can benefit from expert support and the latest security measures without breaking their budget.

Partner with AIS for Stronger Non-Profit Cybersecurity

Considering the risks, it’s clear that cybersecurity for non-profits should be a priority, especially for those working with sensitive information. At AIS, we understand the unique challenges and limitations that non-profits face when it comes to cyber threats. That’s why we offer tailored cybersecurity for non-profit organizations to help them stay protected and focused on their mission.Our team of experts can provide support in areas such as network security, data protection, and disaster recovery planning. Contact AIS today to see how we can help non-profits significantly reduce their risk and continue making a positive impact in the world. Remember, it’s not just about protecting your data; it’s also about protecting those you serve.

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